I Am Autumn
By Cameron
I see kids play on the ground
I see them playing all around
I hear kids laughing a lot
I wonder where the kids are . . . are they at home or at school?
I feel the wind going through my leaves
I smell my leaves here and there
I think kinds are coming back
I am Autumn
I Am Butterfly
By Genevieve
I dream of what it is like in Mexico
I taste the pollen in flowers
I feel the cool breeze that flows on me
I think of all of my cousin butterflies that are going to Mexico
I wonder what would happen if I were the last of my kind
I am Butterfly
I Am Butterfly
By Emily
I wonder what kind of journey I will go on today
I taste the morning breeze
I imagine that it's sunny not storming
I touch the leaves when I fly by
I smell apple pie
I dream of being a superhero someday
I wonder what it would be like as a person
I am Butterfly
I Am Butterfly
By Jeremiah
I feel the wind on my wings
I like the nectar in the flowers
I smell the sweet nectar in the flowers
I imagine if I went into the forest and almost eaten
I hear the birds chirping in the sky
I am Butterfly
I Am Leaf
By Kaiden
I am leaf lying down on a birch tree's branches
I imagine the kids playing on my branches that hold me
I love to dance in the wind when I blow away
I hope the kids never grow bigger
I am Leaf!
I Am Leaf
By Zander
I hear the kids crunching on me
I feel the beautiful autumn breeze
I smell the apple pie in the window
I dream of being a human
I see the kids outside
I see other kids on my tree friends
I wonder how nice the kids are
I am Leaf
I Am Butterfly
By Mikayla
I don't like people touching my wings
I fly to Mexico
I dance in the wind as it starts to get cold
I am a Monarch
I am in my chrysalis in a ball
I am ready for my new life
I am Butterfly
I Am Fish
By Amelia
I am fish swimming in the sea
I wonder if you can see me
I see frogs swimming right next to me
I wave to them with lots of glee
I do not know their history
I see them swimming right away from me
I don't know why this always happens to me
I have to go find my mommy
I am Fish
I Am Butterfly
By Sydnee
I dream about pretty flowers
I feel free
I hear the sound of music
I imagine me as a peaceful butterfly
I see a new born butterfly
I smell the flowers and oranges
I taste the wind
I think about me when I was a caterpillar
I touch the sky
I wonder what Mexico looks like
I Am Butterfly
I Am Autumn
By Zayne
I am the geese that the wind brushes against me
I am the grass that wonders why I'm dry
I am the trees that smell the wind
I am the leaves that think, when will I fall off?
I am the crickets that see the trees moving
I am the flowers that hear winter coming
I am Autumn
I Am Autumn
By Aliya
I feel the cold wind right in my face.
I wonder when the kids are going to come and play
I smell grass all around me
I think all my leaves are changing colors right now
I see lots of pumpkins and bugs and trees
I hear a lot of crickets
I am Autumn!
I Am Leaf
By Mayson
I am the thing that you see when you look up in the air when a tree is standing there
I hear all the leaves saying "bye-bye"
I see the children playing
I feel the breeze . . . ahhh . . . I am falling
I am Leaf
I Am Butterfly
By Juliana
I am the butterfly that goes to Mexico
I am the butterfly that you see sometimes
I am the butterfly that lands on tulips and daisies
I am the butterfly that lands on kids' fingers
I am the Monarch butterfly
I am the one who tastes nectar on flowers
I am Butterfly
I Am Autumn
By Seth
I feel the warmth going through me
I wonder when the kids will come out to play
I smell the grass
I see geese flying South
I hear it's Autumn
I am Autumn
I Am Butterfly
By Lyndsee
I smell the food in the country of Mexico
I see my friends flying close to me
I feel the cool breeze through my wings
I hear the birds chirping
I taste the flowers in Mexico
I am Butterfly
I Am Butterfly
By Gary
I smell bunches of nectar
I feel the flower touching my tongue
I touch other animals
I imagine how I can fly
I think of other butterflies
I taste other nectar and food
I dream of going to Mexico in the winter
I wonder what it would be like being a person
I am Butterfly
I am Autumn
By Faith
I see children playing
I hear them laughing and talking
I wonder when they will come back and play
I think soon
I feel cold and happy
I smell the leaves of autumn
I am Autumn
I Am Butterfly
By Zackary
I smell sweet nectar
I taste the nectar
I touch a flower
I imagine flowers with nectar all over me
I think winter's coming
I wonder where are my brothers and sisters?
I feel a new life coming
I am Butterfly
I Am Autumn
By Shyann
I hear birds
I see trees
I think water is ice cold
I smell flowers
I feel food
I am Autumn
I Am Butterfly
By Makaelee
I am butterfly
I shimmer with colors of the rainbow
I feel the sun beating down on my beautiful wings
I see the bees working hard
I dream of what the prettiest butterfly would look like
I am Butterfly
I Am Butterfly
By Makenzie
I wonder when I can see my new life
I see my friend has hatched out of the chrysalis
I smell wonderful nectar coming off a butterfly bush
I dream that i will see a new world out there
I taste really good nectar
I touched a person's finger
I am a Monarch butterfly
I feel the wind hiding me
I think my friend is going to hatch soon
I imagine that I will be good to each and every butterfly when I get out of the chrysalis
I see a new life coming
I like to fly to Mexico because when it gets cold at Michigan I go to Mexico
I am Butterfly
I Am Leaf
By Abigail
I am leaf
I am blown around so many ways it makes me dizzy
I wish I was a kid then I would not bet blown around
I am stuck up in this old wrinkled tree
I am an old Leaf
I Am Butterfly
By Phillip
I fly south for the winter
I drink nectar from plants
I see pollen on my leg
I have a tube as a mouth
I have poison in me
I have colored wings
I am Butterfly
Wow, you have some great poets and writers in your class. Well done!